Kerala Fish Fry Recipe


Fish : 400 gm
Large onion [small slice] : 1 cup
Tomato [small slice]      : ½ cup
Green chilly [small slice] : 1 tbsp
Ginger [small slice] : 1tbsp
Salt  required
Vinegar : 1 tbsp
Bread powder [little]
Egg : 1


Slice the fish in  equal sizes. Clean and dry it.. Shape the fish in flat size.

Marinate the fish pieces [inside and outside] with vinegar and salt by

Fingers. Mix the slices [ginger, onion, tomato , green chilly] and pour the Egg yolk. Stir well. Place the mix on both sides of the fish pieces . 

Pour the bread powder on the pieces and  fry  it in boiled oil.

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