Pittsburgh, Jan 23: Unifying Spirits, led by the dynamic father-son duo Raymond and Harmon Rozycki, has officially launched Boba POPS, the first and only patented alcoholic popping boba in the world. This innovative product is set to revolutionize the beverage industry with its unique blend of fun and flavor.
Key Points
First patented alcoholic popping boba in global beverage market
Innovative product targeting 21-29 age demographic
Vegan and gluten-free with exciting flavor varieties
Launched by dynamic father-son entrepreneurial team
After two years of hard work, including establishing a production facility and perfecting their patented process, the Rozyckis are ready to bring Boba POPS to consumers in major markets such as California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Georgia, and Louisiana. The launch comes in partnership with RNDC, one of the nation's top alcoholic beverage distributors.
Boba POPS are not your typical boba tea. These flavorful pearls contain 12.5% ABV, offering a spirited twist on the beloved bubble tea trend that has captured the hearts of many Americans, particularly those aged 21 to 29. Whether enjoyed in a refreshing low-alcohol drink or as a lively addition to high-ABV cocktails, Boba POPS promise to enhance any drinking experience.
Ray Rozycki shared insights into their journey: "We knew we needed experts to help us. As a start-up with limited resources, we couldn't afford full-time employees, so we got creative and assembled a shared services team." This team includes industry veterans like Mark Andrews and Roseann Sessa from Savvy Drinks, who bring years of experience in the drinks sector. Brand Evolution has also played a crucial role in securing major chain placements and establishing RNDC as their national distributor partner.
Mark Andrews expressed his excitement for the product's potential, stating, "Boba POPS is by far the most innovative, versatile, and fun brand we have worked with."
The flavors of Boba POPS include Blueberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Peach, and Lychee, along with seasonal varieties. Not only are they vegan and gluten-free, but they also cater to a wide array of consumers looking for something new and exciting.
As the world recovers from the COVID pandemic, the Rozyckis have embraced the opportunity to create a product that promotes social interaction and fun. With Boba POPS hitting the market, they are set to redefine how people enjoy their beverages.
For more information on Boba POPS and their popping adventures, visit bobapops.us or www.bobapops.com.