Prayagraj, January 8: : In a surprising turn of events at the Mahakumbh, 13-year-old Rakhi Dhakre has made the bold decision to leave her family and adopt the life of a sannyasini. Now known as Sannyasini Gauri Giri, she has chosen to reside with her guru, Mahant Kaushal Giri Maharaj, dedicating herself to spiritual practices.
Prayagraj, January 6: Thousands of devotees and seers and sages have started arriving at Prayagraj for the upcoming Maha Kumbh Mela.
By Amrit Prakash, Prayagraj, January 5: At the Mahakumbh in Prayagraj there are devotees and seers from across the world. Angela whose spiritual journey from Italy to India has been nothing short of transformative is one of them.