New Delhi, January 7: The inaugural India-Malaysia Security Dialogue was held in New Delhi on January 7, 2025, co-chaired by Shri Ajit Doval, National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister of India, and Raja Dato Nushirwan Bin Zainal Abidin, Director General of the National Security Council of Malaysia, an official press release by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) stated.
New Delhi, January 7: The inaugural India-Malaysia Security Dialogue was held in New Delhi on January 7, 2025, co-chaired by Shri Ajit Doval, National Security Adviser to the Prime Minister of India, and Raja Dato Nushirwan Bin Zainal Abidin, Director General of the National Security Council of Malaysia, an official press release by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) stated.