Shimla, Jan 9: The Himachal Pradesh cabinet, chaired by Chief Minister Sukhvinder Sukhu, on Thursday, took several important decisions, including the setting up of a Special Task Force (STF) to dismantle drug trafficking, levying 12 per cent stamp duty on transfer and lease transactions and increase in the BPL Beneficiary list. The cabinet also paid tributes to former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and observed two minutes of silence in his memory.
New Delhi, Jan 7: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's commitment to frugality and ethical governance has once again been highlighted through a response to a Right to Information (RTI) query.
Hyderabad, January 6: Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy inaugurated the Zoo Park - Aramghar flyover in Hyderabad on Monday and said that the flyover will be named after former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
Hyderabad, Jan 7: Aramghar-Nehru Zoological Park flyover, the second longest flyover in Hyderabad, was, on Monday, inaugurated by Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy, who decided to name it after former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away recently.
New Delhi, January 3: Economist Montek Singh Ahluwalia praised former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his efforts to bring 138 million people out of the 'below poverty line (BPL)'. Ahluwalia, former Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission of India, said that India grew faster in terms of economic growth during Singh's tenure than it had ever done.
New Delhi, January 3: The family of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held a 'Bhog' of the 'Akhand Path' kept in the memory of Singh at his residence on Friday.