New Delhi, January 9: Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday directed the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D) to conduct research to identify the challenges faced in policing at the grassroots level and work towards finding solutions for them.
Lucknow, Jan 8: In a significant move, the Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh government on Tuesday announced a major reshuffle in the state's police department, with 12 IPS officers being transferred, including eight Superintendents of Police (SPs), across various key districts.
New Delhi, January 6: Union Home Minister Amit Shah will launch the BHARATPOL portal in Delhi on Tuesday, enabling law enforcement agencies (LEAs) across India to access real-time information for quicker international police assistance.
New Delhi, Jan 6: Union Home Minister Amit Shah will on Tuesday launch the 'Bharatpol' portal developed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to help law enforcement agencies access international police assistance in cyber and financial crimes.