Mumbai, Jan 9: Actor Anil Kapoor, who was recently seen in 'Fighter' is celebrating the 44th anniversary of 'Hum Paanch', a significant film in the history of the Indian film industry. The film was directed by Bapu and produced by Surinder Kapoor under the family's SK Films banner.
Mumbai, January 9: The Bollywood choreographer and filmmaker Farah Khan celebrates her 60th birthday today. From Malaika Arora to Anil Kapoor, the Bollywood celebs extended their birthday wishes to the filmmaker.
Mumbai, January 9: The demise of writer-turned-filmmaker Pritish Nandy has left members of the film industry extremely saddened.
Mumbai, Jan 9: A string of Bollywood personalities including names such as Kareena Kapoor Khan, Anil Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt and Hansal Mehta have mourned the death of Indian journalist turned director Pritish Nandy, who died aged 73 on January 8.
Mumbai, January 1: Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor described 2024 as a year of "grit, grind, and growth" while sharing his excitement for bigger achievements in 2025.