Key Points
Government prioritizes medical services for high-risk patients
Trainee doctors continue mass resignation protest
Extended holiday raises medical system challenges
Policy to increase medical school seats planned
"The government and local authorities will focus their efforts to ensure the emergency medical system operates without disruptions, allowing people to spend the Lunar New Year holiday without concerns," Choi said during a meeting with relevant officials, Yonhap news agency reported.
Choi noted the government will focus particularly on providing stable medical services for high-risk pregnant women, newborns, and patients with other severe conditions. "I also urge people to visit appropriate medical facilities based on the severity of their conditions," Choi said, amid growing concerns over a shortage of emergency room beds. Later, Choi visited Woorisoa Children's Hospital in northern Seoul, where he expressed gratitude to the medical staff for their service in essential areas.
The hospital is set to provide medical services throughout the holiday to treat children with respiratory diseases, focusing on patients in noncritical conditions.
"The government will spare no effort to provide policy support for medical workers serving in essential sectors and provincial areas," Choi said during his visit.
Thousands of trainee doctors have been absent from their workplaces due to mass resignations since February last year, as the medical community continues to urge the government to reconsider its planned increase of medical school students.
The government has decided to raise the number of medical school seats by 1,500 for 2025 as part of a broader plan to increase the total by around 10,000 over the next five years to address a nationwide shortage of doctors.
This year's Lunar New Year holiday was extended to six days after the government designated Monday as a temporary national holiday.