Mumbai, January 17: Actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut called the ongoing protest against the release of her film 'Emergency' a "complete harassment of art and the artist."
The protest is spearheaded by the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC), an apex governing body which manages historic gurudwaras in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh.
Kangana who is also serving as a Member of Parliament from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh labelled the ongoing protest in Punjab as propaganda to tarnish her image and harm her film 'Emergency.'
Replying to a tweet from MLA Sukhpal Singh Khaira calling fpr an immediate ban on the film Emergency, Kangana wrote,
"This is complete harassment of art and the artist, from Punjab many cities are reporting that these people are not allowing Emergency to be screened. I have utmost respect for all religions and after studying and growing up in Chandigarh I have closely observed and followed Sikh religion. This is a complete lie and propaganda to tarnish my image and harm my film #Emergency"
MLA from Bholath constituency, Kapurthala district of Punjab supported the ongoing protest by SGPC regarding the immediate ban on the Kangana Ranaut directorial and starred film 'Emergency' in theatres. He tweeted,
"I support the demand of @SGPCAmritsar to ban the film Emergency directed by @KanganaTeam a known critic of farmers & Sikhs without knowing their contribution towards our country. SGPC is our elected representative body and @BhagwantMann should take immediate steps to ban the film that depicts Sikhs in bad light and brings defamation to our state of Punjab and its people," Khaira posted on X.
Amid protest over the release of the film 'Emergency' in Punjab, Station House Officer (SHO) Baljinder Singh Aulakh on Friday said that security arrangements have been increased at the cinema halls in Amritsar.
"We received a call from SGPC that the Emergency film shouldn't be screened (at the cinema hall). Accordingly, security has been heightened here. We also connected with the manager of the cinema hall, he has said that there is no show scheduled for the film. We are here to maintain the Law and Order," SHO Amritsar Aulakh told ANI.
This film delves into the Emergency imposed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for 21 months from 1975 to 1977, and its aftermath. It stars Kangana in the lead role. Apart from her, the film also stars Anupam Kher and Shreyas Talpade in the lead roles.