Key Points
Cross-border criminals obtain fake mobile SIMs through forged documents
Local dealers misuse customer identity information
Illegal immigrants exploit SIM registration vulnerabilities
Sources from the state police said that such pre-activated SIM cards are secured through two avenues. The first process is where a cross-border criminal procures these SIM cards by furnishing forged identity documents in the name of any third person, who even does not exist in reality.
The second avenue is even more alarming. In this case, the pre-activated SIM is registered in the name of any third person who actually exists but is being used by any other person involved in nefarious activities.
In almost 99 per cent of such cases, sources from the state police said, the actual person in whose name the mobile SIM is registered is not even aware that someone else is using that SIM.
In most cases, sources added, such pre-activated SIMs are being sold to illegal Bangladeshi immigrants coming to India during their hiding period at the bordering villages before they are sourced with fake Indian identity documents.
The pre-activated mobile SIMs registered in the names of any existing third party are being sourced because of the involvement of some errant local mobile service dealers. When a genuine customer comes to purchase a SIM from them by furnishing photocopies of their genuine identity documents, such dealers retain an extra photocopy of such documents.
Later using those extra photocopies, the dealer pre-activates another SIM in the name of the original and then sells the same SIM at a premium cost to any third person.
In such cases, such errant dealers also conduct a forgery while taking biometric imprints of the genuine consumers.
Sources said that often genuine customers are unaware that they should give their biometric imprints just once while purchasing a SIM, often allowing the dealers to take such imprints more than once.
Those extra imprints are being used by the errant dealers to get multiple SIM cards in the same name.