Itanagar, January 10: In a significant meeting focused on border security and development, Amitabh Gupta, the Inspector General of the North East Frontier Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), met with Arunachal Pradesh Governor Lt. General KT Parnaik (Retd.) at Raj Bhavan, Itanagar, on Thursday. The discussions covered key topics such as border management, the Vibrant Border Village programme, and other state-specific issues.
Key Points
Discussing border security strategies for Arunachal Pradesh
Exploring Vibrant Border Village programme implementation
Emphasizing local community involvement in border management
The Governor commended the crucial role and contributions of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) in safeguarding Arunachal Pradesh's border and emphasised the importance of ITBP's collaboration in the development of border areas, particularly through the Vibrant Border Village programme.
Amitabh Gupta also said that such an endeavour will be in the national interest and the mutual benefits for both the local communities and the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP).
While sharing his experience in border management, the Governor advised on the involvement of local people.
Amitabh Gupta also highlighted the importance of regular training, drills, and spontaneous patrolling.
The Governor advised the NE Frontier head to actively promote recruiting local youth into the armed forces. He also urged the ITBP to offer timely humanitarian support during emergencies in the border regions.
Gupta, who recently took charge as the head of the NE Frontier ITBP, assured the Governor that the concerns raised would be promptly addressed.