According to WTO, during this month-long period, WTO members collectively endorsed the latest draft text, marking a critical milestone in the lead-up to the 13th Ministerial Conference (MC13) scheduled to take place in Abu Dhabi from February 26-29.

Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson of Iceland, chairing the fisheries subsidies negotiations, emphasized the significance of the agreed-upon draft text.

Crafted by amalgamating inputs from members' proposals and deliberations, the draft aims to serve as a foundational document guiding discussions and negotiations in the coming weeks.

The chair circulated the latest draft text on December 21, allowing members to offer their initial reactions during the opening of "Fish Month" on January 15.

"I made my best effort to create a basis for our work that could enable us to prepare our ministers for success in the time that remains. With our meeting today, we are launching the Fish Month, during which our goal is to find convergence on the issues in front of us, with a view to providing ministers with a clean text to consider at MC13," the chair said.

"I am happy to note that all members and group coordinators that took the floor indicated that they are willing to use this text as the basis for our discussions over the next few weeks, while I of course recognize members' various requests for further refinements of the text. Members' interventions today were useful in pointing to key issues on which we will need to focus in our work going forward," he said.

Members are slated to engage in a series of meetings from January 15 to February 9, deliberating on the comprehensive text. The target set is to achieve a refined, "clean" text for submission to ministers by February 14.

Ambassador Einar Gunnarsson expressed his commitment, stating, "I made my best effort to create a basis for our work that could enable us to prepare our ministers for success in the time that remains."

The enthusiastic endorsement of the draft text by members during the initial meeting indicated a willingness to utilize this document as a focal point for future discussions.

Recognizing the diverse perspectives and requests for refinements, members are poised to collaboratively address key issues throughout "Fish Month."

Deputy Director-General Angela Ellard emphasized the global expectations tied to the fisheries subsidies negotiations, urging WTO members to make this month count.

Deputy Director-General Angela Ellard added, "We must make this Fish Month count. The world is expecting us to deliver on this very important file. There are a few intense weeks ahead, but all of our hard work here will mean less intensity and unpredictability in Abu Dhabi if we are successful here."

"In addition to delivering the second wave of negotiations, we hope that the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies will enter into force by MC13 as well. We know that many members are working hard to deposit their instruments before MC13," he said.

The goal is to deliver meaningful outcomes that would not only mark the second wave of negotiations but also pave the way for the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies to enter into force by MC13.

Adopted by consensus at the WTO's 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in June 2022, the Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies addresses crucial aspects such as the prohibition of support for illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing, the ban on support for fishing overfished stocks, and the elimination of subsidies for fishing on the unregulated high seas.

While 55 WTO members have formally accepted the Agreement, additional efforts are required for it to come into effect.

As members gear up for the negotiations ahead of MC13, the fisheries subsidies discussions continue to be a focal point for the WTO.

The commitment to addressing outstanding issues and enhancing the disciplines of the Agreement reflects the organization's dedication to fostering sustainable and responsible practices in global fisheries.

The outcomes of "Fish Month" are anticipated to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of international fisheries policies.