Social Distancing specialist Therapists rally globally to add to Thinkladder app
hinkladder is supporting the massive surge in psychological symptoms triggered as a result of COVID-19.
Over the past two weeks, they have rallied together over 50 mental wellbeing professionals to team up with their existing staff to produce content, supporting individuals around the world. Discovering the key issues that these professionals are hearing from their clients right now has been a critical element of this process.
They are releasing this content via the Thinkladder app https//, which is available for free. The first of several new 'Themes' in the app is on Social/Physical Distancing. This Theme covers, isolation, unexpected change, information overload, social responsibility and boredom.
While there are other therapy and mental wellbeing tools out there, Thinkladder's focus is specifically on providing a self-awareness experience to help individuals discover the subconscious beliefs that could be fuelling distress during this time.
Mark Gatt, Thinkladder's CEO says, Right now, social media is saturated with helpful content, which is great, but rather than highlight one expert's point of view, we wanted to curate content from experts from all around the globe and make that content easily accessible. The response we have received has been amazing.
Our subconscious mind is a powerful thing, and in these moments of stress, it can expose feelings and behaviours that we are not used to dealing with. Cognitive therapy, which is used within Thinkladder, facilitates a process where the individual identifies the automatic thoughts which trigger unwanted feelings and behaviours and then offers specific insights to challenge them. Each day, the tools provided in the app like the focus tool, journaling prompts, and reminders, help the individual to tap into the elasticity of the mind to rewire it.
Thinkladder has already been downloaded tens of thousands of times and we continue to hear positive feedback from individuals around the world.
The app is immediately available at the Appstore and in 5-7 days in Google Play. In the coming weeks, Thinkladder will be releasing topics on loss of employment, grief and more to address other pressing global needs.
For more on Thinkladder and their programming to support mental health and well-being COVID-19, visit http// https//
✔️ Social Distancing specialist Therapists rally globally to add to Thinkladder app
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