As it seems that so many rely on their technology for their every decision, Sean P. Dwyer invites readers to grasp how they can be smarter phoneless in his latest paperback. His words, written in first-person, present the thoughts of a young but old-fashioned traveler in the era of the smartphone.
Smarter Phoneless is a refreshing travel narrative that depicts the author's deliberate simplicity as he faces just the opposite. Laced with poems and spontaneous prose, much of it was written long-hand in journals while living on his converted school bus. From picking up hitchhikers to relying on paper maps, Dwyer's way of life reveals his undoubtful trust in the human spirit, and a fondness for single-use-tools.
His interactions were not free from conflict. Submissive and open to the characters of the road, he is lead to some of the last pockets of wild land and wild thought, finding new opportunity around each bend.
Between two runaway 2019 trips to Colorado, Dwyer returned to New York with the bus in July to complete his final course at SUNY Potsdam. His thesis for the class acted as the basis for Smarter Phoneless, which is included at the end of the book.
As it now sits in time, Smarter Phoneless stands with sincerity, grace, and hope. It is not intended to be a reprimand of the complex, but a celebration of the simple.
Will you be the blade of grass or the wind that bends it?
His interactions were not free from conflict. Submissive and open to the characters of the road, he is lead to some of the last pockets of wild land and wild thought, finding new opportunity around each bend.
Between two runaway 2019 trips to Colorado, Dwyer returned to New York with the bus in July to complete his final course at SUNY Potsdam. His thesis for the class acted as the basis for Smarter Phoneless, which is included at the end of the book.
As it now sits in time, Smarter Phoneless stands with sincerity, grace, and hope. It is not intended to be a reprimand of the complex, but a celebration of the simple.
Will you be the blade of grass or the wind that bends it?