OnTheGoSystems is a 100% remote-working company with 90 employees. It has 12 years' experience vetting candidates and understanding what it takes to work from home.

What readers will learn by following our recipe
Imagine that you are at home now, stranded and struggling to make ends meet. You want to earn income while at home but have no idea where to even start. This recipe will show you every step.

What the recipe covers

The 9 most common types of remote jobs available
The skills that you need to get remote jobs
The most practical and accessible courses to learn the key skills for remote positions
How payment works and how much you can expect to earn
13 of the best places to look for remote work

What's unique about this recipe for remote work
While there is plenty of advice on the Web for getting remote work, this material comes from remote-only companies, which are using it on a daily basis. OnTheGoSystems and other remote companies hire and train remote workers using these courses.

Not only for programmers and freelance writers
People assume you need to be a programmer or a writer to work remotely. There are many jobs for people with different backgrounds and interests.

One example is a graphic designer. OnTheGoSystems' recipe explains the skills you need. You do need some knowledge of CSS/HTML but perhaps, more importantly, you need drawing, visual design, and photo editing skills.

OnTheGoSystems' recipe recommends Photoshop courses for graphics designers and courses on Google Suite for any remote workers.

You will also learn the pay range of a graphic designer to prepare you for salary negotiations.

Finally, you can use the recipe to see which companies are looking for web designers right now and where exactly to apply for open positions.