Hydro Ottawa recently announced additional assistance and protections to customers, including extending the provincial disconnection ban by an additional three months and suspending all collection action to provide customers with more time to pay their accounts. Hydro Ottawa is also promoting financial assistance programs that include emergency relief for customers. More information can be found on their website.

In 2019, Hydro Ottawa joined Alectra Utilities, Hydro One and Toronto Hydro to increase awareness about ongoing sophisticated scams targeting utility customers. This is the second event in 2020 targeting Ottawa electricity customers.

Under normal circumstances, Hydro Ottawa never threatens to disconnect power immediately, nor does it ask customers to meet its employees at a location to make a payment. Hydro Ottawa encourages customers to protect themselves and reminds them of the following tips to stay safe

Never make a payment for a charge that isn't listed on your most recent bill
Ignore text messages or emails with suspicious links promising refunds
Don't call the number provided to you. Instead, call Hydro Ottawa directly at 613-738-6400 to check the status of your account
Do not provide any personal information or details about your account
If you feel threatened in any way, contact 911 or the Ottawa Police Service at 613-236-1222 ext. 5433

If customers have been victims of this scam, they are advised to contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1-888-495-8501.

To read more about how to protect yourself from scams and fraud, visit Hydro Ottawa's Fraud Awareness page.