This client rewards program has been created with the goal of helping HomeActions' clients position their new real estate listings front and center.

Agents in the program can now give their newsletter recipients — those in their spheres of influence — the confidence of knowing that their agent is leveraging digital marketing technology to expand their reach.

The program includes a badge icon, flyer and email marketing tools that HomeActions clients can use to promote their ability to reach a wide range of prospects and referral sources. HomeActions also provides its clients with training tools and resources to ascend to higher levels of the program.

This program means that the agents take an integrated approach to email marketing, using imagery and videos, to position their new listings in front of the many contacts in their spheres of influence on a regular basis, increasing the likelihood that the listed properties will be seen, said Barry Friedman, CEO and founder of HomeActions.

Agents with 250 to 999 database members receive a Gold Badge and a gold-level print flyer. Agents with 1,000 or more database members receive a Platinum Badge and a platinum-level print flyer. All agents of them receive guidance on how to use their badges and a white paper that outlines list-building tips.